St. Mary's Pre-University College
Examination and Promotion
Rules and Regulations of the Two Year PUC Board
The course of study leading to the Pre-University Examination shall comprise of Part I and Part II. The candidate shall select under Part I any two of the following, one of which should be an Indian Language: Kannada, English and Hindi. Out of the two languages selected, at least one shall be a language that she has already studied at the High School stage and passed under the qualifying examination.
Criteria for Passing Annual Exam
According to the government order No. ID 97 TPU 2011, Bangalore dated 07-12-2011.
Subjects having practical examination: A minimum of 21 out of 70 marks in theory and 30 out of 100 marks in total, in a subject.
Subjects without practical examination: A minimum of 30 out of 100 marks in total, in a subject.
All those who obtain 30% marks in each of the subjects under Part I and Part II and 35% in aggregate under Part I and Part II separately in the Annual Examination shall be declared promoted.
Part I – Minimum of 70 marks out of 200 marks in the two languages.
Part II – minimum of 140 marks out of 400 marks in the four core subjects.
Eligibility to II PUC Examinations
Admission to II PUC Public Examination shall be open to candidates who have
• Passed I Year PUC Annual Examination.
• Undergone prescribed course of study in the corresponding year.
• Secured the minimum attendance prescribed under the regulations.
• Shown satisfactory progress as certified by the Head of the Institution.
• Shown satisfactory conduct as certified by the Head of the Institution.
Absent for Test or Examination
The students who absent themselves from any test or examination for valid reasons should get prior permission from the Head of the Institution. Incase of illness a medical certificate should be submitted. Therefore any absence from test or examination without permission will be viewed seriously and suitable action will be taken.
Report Card
The students will have three quarterly, a mid-term exam and a preparatory exam. The results of the Examination and tests will be given in the report cards and the parents are requested to examine and sign them.
Merit Certificates
The students who pass in all the subjects in all the tests and Examinations during the year scoring 75% in each subject and in the aggregate will be awarded Merit Certificates.
Malpractice in Examination
Malpractice in tests and examinations is a serious offence and therefore it will not be tolerated. The student who has recourse to malpractice in the Annual Examination will not be promoted to the higher class.
Conduct Certificate
A student may be advised to leave the College, at the end of the year, if her conduct has not been satisfactory.
Every student should put in at least 85% attendance in
every subject. Those who have a shortage of attendance
will not be permitted to appear for the Annual
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