Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations of the College

College Timings

Every working day from Monday to Friday is divided into two sessions. The morning session commences at 8.45 a.m. and concludes at 12.10 p.m. and the afternoon session lasts from 12.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. The working hours on Saturdays are from 8.50 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

  • The time between 8.30 a.m. to 8.50 a.m. will be study hour. The students should sit in their respective classrooms and spend the time in useful study. No student should be
    found loitering about during the study time. They are expected to be on time for classes. Late comers will be marked absent and fined Rs.20 per day.
  • On the lecturers arrival into the classroom, the students must rise and remain standing till they are asked to sit or till the lecturers takes her seat. When the attendance
    roll is called, each one must rise and answer to her name.
  • In moving from one room to another at the end of each period, care should be taken to do this as quickly as possible and in silence.
  • The students must take care of the college property. 
  • At the beginning of the morning and evening session all must stand and pray devoutly. They shall stand respectfully for the National Anthem/ ‘Nada Geethe’
  • The students should adhere to the discipline of the college wholeheartedly. They should follow the bells scrupulously.
  • Running, playing or shouting inside the college building is not allowed.
  • No student is permitted to enter any class room other than her own, without permission.
  • No Student will enter the staff room in the absence of the Lecturers.
  • The students will not be allowed to leave the college premises during class hours. Parents should provide a written request asking permission. The college authorities will take
    action on those students who do not abide by this.
Regularity & Studies
  • Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. Leave of absence from college must be applied for previously in the form supplied in the calendar.
  • When a student has been absent from college without leave for some reason not foreseen earlier e.g. illness, she must on returning to college bring a note of excuse from her
    parents or guardian in the form supplied in the Calendar. Should the absence exceed three days it must be forwarded to the principal.
  • Absence without leave from tests and examinations and at the time of reopening of classes after the holidays shall be viewed seriously. In case of illness a medical certificate
    shall be required.
  • A student absent without leave for any one hour during either session of the day, shall be regarded as absent for the whole session and serious note will be taken of such absence.
  • A student marked ‘absent’ shall continue to be so marked until she produces an order from the principal or other authority deputed for the purpose to be marked ‘present’.
  • A student is not permitted to leave the college before time either during the morning or afternoon session unless leave is requested by the parent or guardian personally for valid reasons. But such leave should not exceed more than one hour. This is to be done, with the written permission of the principal.
  • Irregular attendance, insubordination to lecturers, habitual inattention to school-work, obscenity in word or act are sufficient reasons for the temporary or permanent dismissal of a student.
  • Progress Records will be issued after the tests and mid-term examination. They shall be returned to the class lecturer duly signed by the parent or guardian within three days of their issue.
  • Attendance at value education classes and examinations is obligatory to all students.
  • Attendance at classes and examinations, progress as well as conduct of the students will be taken into consideration while recommending the students for merit certificate and scholarships
Dress Code
  • It is mandatory to wear the prescribed college uniform regularly by the students. Any additional like the scarf, burqua, shawl and other objectionable gear are not permitted to be worn with the
    uniform in the college campus.
  • Trousers and shirt   : Sleeve length should be two inches below the elbow with a slit. Buttons used should be transparent. Collar should be either shirt or of school uniform. Shirt length should cover the side pocket. Lower part of the shirt should be curved. Trousers should have only one side pocket. Lower part of the pant should have 15 inches width.
Laboratory Rules
  • Students should be regular and punctual in their practical work in the laboratories.
  •  All equipment and material given to students for practical work should be handled with care. Damages and breakages should be paid for, together with such penalty as may be imposed by the principal.
  • Strict silence shall be maintained in the laboratories during the practical work.
  • Students are forbidden to enter the laboratory except with the permission of the Lecturer -in – charge.
  • Students who are irregular in practical work are not eligible for promotion or selection for PU Board Examination.
Office Rules
  • All applications for certificates must be made to the Principal in writing 
  • Certificates will be taken from the office in person. No Certificate or marks card will be handed over to other persons without a letter of authorization. If they have to be sent by
    post a self – addressed registered cover must be left at the office, with the required stamp and the prescribed fee.
  • Letters officially addressed to the Principal must be accompanied by reply enclosed postage.
College Library
  • The Library is a place of quiet study. Strict Silence must be observed at all times in and outside the library room.
  • The College / School Library and Reading room are open only to the staff and students of the Institution.
  • Students shall note that the library is not a place of recreation or relaxation.
  • All books, magazines and furniture must be handled with care. Books lost, torn, defaced, marked or damaged in any way shall have to be replaced by the borrower along with the fine as
    fixed by the Principal.
Cell Phones
  • Students shall not carry mobile phones to the college. If found guilty, mobile phones will be confiscated with fine of Rs.500.
The Parents-Teacher Association(P.T.A)
  • All parents of the students on the roll of the P.U. College become members of the P.T. Association on payment of the membership fee.
  • If a student has lost both her parents, her legal guardian becomes the member of the Association. Parents who are abroad will appoint a guardian while admitting their child to
    this institution and give an official letter to the Principal to this effect and the guardian will participate in the activities of the P.T.A. in the place of the parents. However, only
    Parents have an active voice to be elected as members of the Executive Committee of the P.TA.
  • The Institution maintains the strong conviction that the on going efforts/programs directed towards the growth and wellbeing of our students will become fruitful only when
    Parents and Teachers join hands, interact closely and act jointly in all educational endeavors.
  • The Parents/Guardians have the responsibility to attend the General Body Meeting of the P.T.A., the results session held in October/November and the official programs of the Institution held in August, November and December. Besides, they are expected to meet the teachers regularly and interact with them, having the progress and welfare of their children at heart.
Other Rules
  • The students who depend on public conveyance to come to the college should leave their homes early enough to avoid peak hours and be at the college well in time.
  • The students must not join any club or society or make any commitments outside college that would interfere with their studies without the Principal’s permission. They are not allowed to play in any team against the college.
  • The students are not allowed to take part in political agitation directed against the authority of the lawful Government.
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