Independence Day – Azadi Ka Amruth Mahothsav
As India marked its 75th year of Independence, it was celebrated with great pride and enthusiasm all over the country. The Independence Day celebrated at St. Mary’s P.U College , falnir , Mangalore was a remarkable event .The cultural Programme for P.U students were held on 13th August in the college auditorium. The celebration commenced with prayer service by Ayisha Salmi and welcome speech by Aysha Ashiqa of (1st commerce).The importance of the day was highlighted by performing a Drama based on the story of Rani Abakka the first Tuluva Queen of Ullal ,who fought against the Portuguese during the 16th Centuary. A short cultural programme consisting of patriotic song and dance enriched the celebration .The college principal Sr.Sahaya Mary spoke on the importance of Independence Day .The programme concluded by proposing vote of thanks by Sara Nihaf, student of 1st commerce.

The formal programme was held on 15th August by welcoming the dignitaries to the programme .The Chief Guest Mrs .Shoba, escorted by P.U Principal Sr.Sahaya Mary and High school Principal Sr. Nandika hoisted our National Flag .As the tricolour fluttered high ,the National Anthem was played and ‘Vijay vishwathi’ song was sung by the students and staff saluting the National flag with great pride .The celebration marked a glorious way to symbolise a sense of patriotism and oneness in the minds of every students, teachers and parents.
The school band swing into action for the traditional and colourful March Past .The students of High school and P.U marked with Zest and pride. The chief Guest then addressed the gathering with her thought provoking message of reminiscing the vision of freedom struggle and reflecting over the national consciousness of our freedom fighters. Students from High school paid melodious tribute to our glorious nation through patriotic song.
Winners of various competitions held in the school were felicitated. Winners of March Past were also felicitated in the programme .The winners from P.U section were, Second Commerce got the first place and First Commerce got second place. Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs Shalet. At the end of the programme students were served with refreshments.