A Farewell programme was organised for the students of II PUC at St Mary’s P.U College, Mangalore on 5th Feb 2023. The programme commenced with a prayer service by the students of I Science with symbols of books, light, sapling, mirror to cherish their dreams and to work hard towards it.

           Ms.Souhan of I Science welcomed the gathering. Students of I Commerce graced the stage with a melodious farewell song whereas the students of I com and I Sci enthralled the audience with their captivating dance performances. Ms Sara Nihaf (Student President) from Commerce stream and Ms Ayesha Shifa ( Eco club secretary) from Science stream expressed their sentiments as well as gratitude and also shared their experiences with the college Management, lecturers and their college life for the past two years.

The outgoing student for the year was Ms. Sara Nihaf from II Com was honoured as the best outgoing student for the academic year 2023-24. The college principal bestowed her with a memento in recognition of her achievements.

The college Principal Sr. Sahaya Mary addressed the gathering and enlightened the students with a small story that highlighted on being always positive towards life , character building and personality. She also encouraged the students to focus on success and hard work.

All the students came dressed in their best attires ,made the day a memorable one. It was a mixture of emotions as the students took photographs around the buildings as well as the photo gallery which was prepared by the students of I PU reminiscing their college memories. The programme came to an end by singing the National Anthem . All the students were served with refreshments.

The programme was compered by Ms. Shafatunisa (I com) and vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Deemah from II com.


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