An ‘EDUCREATIVE’ Exhibition on Science and Art was organized at St Mary’s P.U. College, Mangalore on 7 September 2022. The chief guest of the day, Mr. Manoj Karat, Manager, the South Indian Bank, Mangalore inaugurated the Exhibition and gave a message to the staff and students on the importance of show-casing the skills and talents in their respective subjects and appreciated their hard work and efforts in putting up the ‘Educreative’ exhibition.

The students showcased their talents and creativity through scientific projects arts and craft works. The projects were categorized into different subjects. All the students from science and commerce including language subjects took part actively to put up this informative and educational exhibition. The lecturers took the initiative to guide and help every student to participate in the exhibition.
The exhibition was well organised and kept opened from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm. for all the staff and students on my campus. A number of staff and students from high school and primary of St Mary’s School including some of the parents of the students visited the exhibition. They were enthralled with the educative concepts of the students. The students presented their talents in a creative way.
Sister Maria Kripa A.C., local superior and joint secretary of St Mary’s Institution and Sister M Jeswina A.C., former principal of St Agnes Degree College graced the occasion as the Guests of Honour. Mrs Mamatha, English Lecturer welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guests to the audience. Saarah, cultural secretary of the college compered the inaugural programme and Mrs Thanujakshi, Economics Lecturer proposed the vote of thanks.

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