St Mary’s PUC – Traditional Day 2023
Traditional Day was celebrated at St. Mary’s P.U College on 4th November, 2023 in the college auditorium. The program was compered by Rajeshwari of 1st science at 10.A.M. All the students celebrated the day to promote Unity in Diversity. The highlight of the event was the classic song by Principal and lecturers “Hachevu kannadada Deepa” which filled the air with patriotic fervor.

Each classes were allotted different topics related to the folks of Karnataka. Students of II Com showcased the culture and traditions of Kodagu (Coorg).They successfully created a powerful rapport with the audience through attractive traditional attire , ethnic jewellery. As Dakshina Kannada is well-known for Yakshagana, Kambala, kori-katta ,Tiger dance –Students of II SCI beautifully portrayed the culture and traditions of Dakshina Kannada. Whereas, students of I COM depicted and exhibited the culture and traditions of Mysore through a dance drama which helped the audience to know about the origin of Mysore, Dasara Procession in Mysore, and also the outset of Mysore sarees and Mysoor pak .

Moreover the culture and lifestyles of North Karnataka was elegantly showcased by the students of I SCI. Koravanji, Budubuduke and ritualistic dance remained the star attraction of the event.

The college principal Sr Sahaya Mary congratulated all the student participants as well as all the Lecturers who worked tirelessly to organize this memorable event. Each class was given a prize to appreciate their hardwork and creativity .The celebration came to an end by singing the Nada Geethe “ Jai Bharatha Jananiya Thanujate”. All students inner creativity and potentialities were driven through the celebrations of traditional day.