The feast of Our Lady Mount Carmel and Inauguration of College Website

The feast of Our Lady Mount Carmel and Inauguration of College Website

The feast of Mount Carmel was celebrated on 15th July 2022 from 2 p.m. at the college auditorium of St. Mary’s P. U. College, Falnir, Mangaluru. The programme was solemnly commenced by a Hindi song to Mother Mary. Mrs Mamatha Suverna introduced and welcomed the Chief guest Dr.Sr. Jessica and the gathering.

     With a beautiful PPT, the significance of the feast of Mount Carmel was presented to the audience by Nysa & Bhoomika followed by a group dance that highlighted the qualities of Mary Queen Beauty of Carmel. Dr.Sr. Jessica AC praised the students for the lovely program. She explained to the students the character of Carmel i.e Prayer, Silence and Solitude. She also spoke on the life of St. Simon Stock and the purpose and importance of wearing Scapular.

     The programme also marked the long-awaited inauguration of our College website. It was inaugurated by our guest of honour Sr. Jeswina along with Principal Sr. Sahaya Mary & all the lecturers. The MC for the programme was Swaliha Sheikh from second Commerce, and a vote of thanks was delivered by Khathijath Sana from second science. The programme ended with National Anthem.

Here is the link to View the Site:


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