Celebration of the Feast of Mount Carmel on 15th July 2022
This is the day we recall Mary’s motherly patronage, guidance, her loving care and protection. This day is also celebrated as a foundation day of the Apostolic Carmel congregation which was founded by venerable Mother Veronica.
The morning mass on 15th July at 8:45 a.m. was attended by all the catholic students and teachers. Fr. Barnabus was the celebrant of this Holy mass. During the mass there was Initiation of Carmel Blossom under the guidance of Sr. Gracy.
The cultural programme was put up by the students of class 3A and B. This programme began by seeking the blessings of Almighty through a prayer service followed by the significance of the day through skit and dance drama. The programme ended by highlighting the twelve virtues of Mother Mary which was befitting for the days, honouring Mother Mary.
Our Headmistress Sr. Letitia A.C. addressed the students with an inspirational message. She motivated all to learn and practice the virtues of Mother Mary and concluded by wishing happy feast to all.